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Ryan C. Greene

Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

Your level of excellence can only rise to your level of exposure. This profound statement has stayed with me, and when I reflect on my journey, I understand its truth more deeply. Have you ever thought you were doing okay, even great, until you met someone living life at a whole other level? That’s exposure. It opens your eyes to new possibilities and standards you never even knew existed.

Embrace the Uncomfortable

One of the most transformative practices is putting yourself in rooms where you feel like you don’t belong. Imagine being in an environment filled with people operating at a significantly higher level than you. At first, it’s uncomfortable, almost intimidating. But this is the challenge you need to elevate your excellence. When you expose yourself to higher levels of success, you push yourself to rise to that standard.

The Power of Association

In the past year, I’ve invested heavily in being around people who know more than me and who are willing to share their knowledge. This quality of association has dramatically impacted my life. Being in the company of such individuals challenged me to elevate my standards and brought a remarkable improvement in my quality of life. When you are around high achievers, their habits and excellence rub off on you, raising your game.

Jealousy vs. Curiosity

Don't hate on those who are doing better than you. Instead, be curious. How did they achieve their success? What principles do they live by? Sit down with them, ask questions, and be willing to learn. Transform jealousy into a drive to improve yourself. When you see someone excelling, take it as motivation to upgrade your own level of excellence through experience and exposure.

Raising Your Standards

An essential part of growth is constantly raising your standards. When you strategically expose yourself to higher levels, you set new benchmarks for success. This year, make it a goal to elevate your exposure. Engage with people, environments, and experiences that challenge your comfort zone, and watch how your level of excellence transforms.

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Ryan C. Greene

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