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Ryan C. Greene

Invest For The Long-Term

I had a girlfriend back in high school named Yvette. At that time, I was living in Baltimore County and had just graduated high school, whereas she was still a student. As I was about to go off to college, we face a crossroad and, with the uncertainty of how things would pan out, we decided to go our separate ways. Little did I know, the real lesson was just about to unfold. Fast forward about 20 years later, Yvette and I crossed paths again at church. We exchanged the usual pleasantries and caught up on each other’s lives. That’s when she dropped a bombshell—her little brother, the same five-year-old I once knew, was now playing in the NBA. I laughed and playfully thought, "I should have held on a little longer; I could have been chilling in a skybox!"

This story drove home a pivotal leadership lesson for me: Investing for the long term can yield higher returns.

The Value of Long-Term Vision

We often make decisions based on our immediate circumstances and overlook the potential long-term gains. Imagine where you are right now. Think of the decisions you made five years ago that led to this point in your life. Are you satisfied with the outcomes? If not, it’s time to adopt a long-term perspective.

Reflect on Your Past Decisions

Take a moment to reflect on the actions and choices you made five years ago. Did they set you up for success? Whether you're thriving or struggling right now, it's a direct result of those decisions.

Envision Your Future

Now, think about where you want to be five years from now. Your vision for the future should drive your actions today. This isn’t about achieving instant success—there’s no such thing as an overnight sensation without years of groundwork behind it. Every so-called "overnight success" has put in years of effort, practice, and overcome numerous obstacles.

Take Action Today

If you desire more for yourself today, understand that the seeds were planted—or not—five years ago. What actions can you take today to ensure that five years from now, you’re exactly where you want to be? It's about laying the groundwork, making strategic decisions, and continuously working towards your goals.

Patience and Persistence

Success demands patience and persistent action. You must decide today what investments—be it time, energy, or resources—you’re willing to make to see the results you dream of in the future.

In summary, if you want a better tomorrow, start investing today. It’s a journey, not a sprint. Think long-term, make thoughtful decisions, and you will find yourself reaping the rewards when the time comes.

Learn More

By embracing these insights, you can transform moments of hesitancy into decisive actions that propel you toward your goals. Let’s get to it—don't let your dreams slip away because you moved too slowly! Are you ready to conquer your fears and seize your opportunities? Don't let hesitation rob you of success. Tune in to "Ryan C. Greene's BORN TO BE DOPE" and subscribe on all podcast platforms to get more insights and strategies for living a dope life. Follow us on Instagram ( and follow me, Ryan C. Greene (

Ryan C. Greene

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